I due anemometri (sonico a sinistra e tradizionale a destra) installati nella stazione dell’Alpe Veglia.

The Alpe Veglia station is equipped with two different sensors to measure the wind, one (on the left in the photo) is a sonic anemometer, which records all three components of the wind (towards East, North and Zenith) at high frequency (between 10 and 20 data per second). In contrast, the second is a traditional anemometer (on the right) which records one average data per minute and the gust of wind (detected with 3-second scan rate).

An article has already been published with the sonic anemometer (see here ) which deals with turbulence and some study methods of the same, with the second instead you can study the average wind speed at the station point. If needed, the traditional anemometer help to control the data from the high-frequency one.

La rosa dei venti dei quasi due anni di dati ci mostra venti molto intensi: spesso le raffiche quotidiane superano i 20 m/s (70 km/h), e la direzione preponderante è da Nord.

Categories: Meteorology


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