La stazione micrometeorologica dell’Alpe Veglia è stata installata il 27 Settembre 2018 presso la località Cornù nella conca dell’Alpe Veglia.
Ha ininterrottamente acquisito dati per un’estate e due inverni.
Le caratteristiche della stazione sono riportate nelle sezioni seguenti, come il dettaglio della sua ubicazione e molto altro.
Le caratteristiche della stazione
La stazione è composta da un traliccio in alluminio alto 5 metri, strallato al suolo mediante cavi di acciaio. L’alimentazione è fornita da una batteria ricaricata con un pannello fotovoltaico.
Since 27/9/2018, the thermometer is a thermocouple type K, while since 18/5/2020, a thermo-hygrometer sensor was installed in the same shield (HygroVUE5, Campbell Scientific). The shield is mounted at 4.3 m above the ground. On 6/7/2021, the second level of temperature and humidity is installed (HygroVUE5, Campbell Scientific) at 1.4 m above the ground.
The pressure gauge is SETRA type T-Bar with a measurement range from 700 to 1100 hPA and precision of 0.1 hPa. It is mounted behind and in the shadow of the solar panel.
The wind is measured both with a traditional instrument (cup anemometer and flag, SIAP+Micros, SVDV) and with an ultrasonic anemometer (Gill, R2 Research) that measures the three wind components (x, y, z) at a frequency of 10 Hz (from 27/9/2018 to 18/5/2020) simultaneously and now about 20 Hz (since 18/5/2020, 20 measures in 0.96 seconds).
L’anemometro sonico è installato in cima alla torre di 5 metri.
Until 18 May 2020, only the global radiation was measured by an Eppley PSP solarimeter that measures the incoming shortwave radiation.
On 18 May 2020, a net radiometer was installed. It measured the total radiation from the sky and the ground in the full spectral range (longwave and shortwave).
The snow-meter was built and designed by Alessio Golzio using as a sensor an ultrasonic meter (HC-SR04), conveniently programmed with the Datalogger.
The variables measured in the soil are temperature, humidity, permittivity and electric conducibility at levels 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 centimetres below the ground (SoilVUE10, Campbell Scientific). The ground heat flux is measured at 15.5 centimetres below the ground (Hukseflux HFP01-SC).

The soil profiler SoilVUE10 installed at Alpe Veglia station.
The station position.
Some pictures of the station
Documents and authorizations
The Alpe Veglia station is realized in collaboration with the University of Milan, Department of Earth Sciences "A. Desio", and with the authorization of the Veglia Devero Park, Varzo Municipality and Zanola farm.
- Delibera Giunta Comunale 82 13/09/2018
- Delibera Giunta Comunale 103 24/10/2019
- Delibera Giunta Comunale 93 30/10/2020
- Autorizzazione Ente di Gestione delle Aree Protette dell'Ossola n.2672 21/09/2018
- Autorizzazione Ente di Gestione delle Aree Protette dell'Ossola n.3521 21/10/2019
- Autorizzazione Ente di Gestione delle Aree Protette dell'Ossola n.2996 23/09/2020
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